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Use of modern technology in golf lessons

By Michel Monnard

Of course, the use of technology sometimes scares golfers. But what if the teacher can make more educated analyzes? That’s why we use technology whenever possible.

We have heavily invested in new technology and we continue to further educate us in how to best use it for your benefit.


This is what we use:

FlightScope Meve+ Radar, club and ball tracking monitor
A doppler radar (white box in image) uses microwave tecnology, just like military radar systems. It tracks the club and the ball to quite some detail. We use the radar to find the distances with all your clubs, to practice wedge distance control, to help with ball flight direction. We also rent it out for practice purposes of our pupils. There are so much data that this machine spits out: from Ball data like Ball speed to vertical and horizontal launch and descent angles, smash factor, spin rat, axis rotation, carry distance, roll, lateral landing, flight hight and time to Club data like club speed, acceleration profiles, face angle, face to path relationship, dynamic loft, angle of attack, club path to vertical and horizontal swing planes. It’s one awesome tool to have available.


Swing Caddie Launch Monitor SC200
Swing Caddie 1Mini Radar de 8 x 14 cm para Campo de Practicas y campo de golf. Mide velocidad del palo y de bola, Smash Factor, Distancia de vuelo y cuanto corre. Mide hasta 260 m. Tiene modos para la practica para mejorar el juego de pitch y chip y las distancias.





Boditrak Pressure Mat
boditrak pressure matNow this is a special tool. It provides data related to the foot work and weight shift. Where the weight is in setup becomes just one look, no more guessing and asking a pupil: “do you have the weight in the middle?” Balance is a crucial point in golf and the pressure mat gives a teacher valuable insights into this. Especially when balls are being struck on the out- our inside of the club face. Also where the golfer applies pressure can be seen.


SAM Puttlab
sam puttlab flightscope unten UnterrichtUltra-sound technology makes it possible to track the putter with up to a 1/10 of a degree. As the putting stroke is such a small movement, it makes a whole lot of difference not having to guess. Just setup and use. We love it. Sometimes we even make games, who can hit the most balls in the center in a row. It’s just fun to work and practice with these tools.

Sam Puttlab on the left and FlightScope Launch Monitor on the right.


High-speed cameras with 240 fps
kaffee laptop videoModern phones like the newest Iphones which we use, come now with such a great set of cameras that film in 240 fps. This technology really make us coaches a huge favour. Together with the use of the most modern Golf-Video Analysis Software makes our work (and your progress) so much easier. We upload your swing videos and the correction videos into your private library to which you get access through the Software app. It’s completely free for you. All your videos will be available at all times. So when you get home after the week with us, you can use those videos to continue your learning process. Just really great stuff!

Click the images to see details.

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